Slide 1: Welcome
Welcome to NECS

We are the Northeast's premier source for crane-related training and certification programs.

Slide 2: Crane Training
Overhead Crane Training

We offer customized basic safety training for overhead crane operation and rigging. Our one-day class includes a pre-call with you to customize our material to the type of rigging you're actually doing.

Slide 3: What's New
What’s New

Where have we been? And What About Bob? Click below to read all about our field work and other interesting stories and articles.

Slide 4: Gallery

Take a look at NECS in action.

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Register for Classes

Register for Classes

Register for public classes or get more detailsabout each class.

Private Training & Consulting

Private Training & Consulting

We are available on an hourly consulting basis.

Newsletter Signup

Newsletter Signup

Sign up to get the latest crane-related news and class information.

What’s New

What’s New

Up-to-date stories from the field, and What About Bob?

Welcome to NECS

We provide crane-related safety training and certification programs at your location or at one of ours, including:


For pricing and information on onsite classes, call 802-557-0583 or email

Your Location or Ours

Our public classes are held in locations throughout northern New England including Montpelier, Burlington, Concord, Portsmouth and Portland.  We are also available for onsite classes and private consulting at your location anywhere in the U.S. throughout the year.

Our training classes are taught by experienced, NCCER- and NCCCO-certified crane operators who understand the practical realities and challenges of working safely and effectively on crane sites. Using a combination of instructor lectures, participant discussions, videotaped scenarios and hands-on practice, we go beyond the textbook and teach you what you really need to know, whether your focus is safety improvement, OSHA compliance or both.

NCCER Entry Level Operator Class - Montpelier

Participants in this class must be prepared for homework every night during class.  It is strongly recommended that candidates stay in a hotel nearby if they would be commuting more than an hour to class each day.

  • Pre-work: NCCER Level One Mobile Crane Operator books will be mailed in advance if requested
  • Monday: Signal person and rigging basics
  • Tuesday: General knowledge concepts, inspection and set-up basics
  • Wednesday: Practical training on the crane
  • Thursday: Lift planning and load chart problems
  • Friday: Written exams, practical exams for those who are ready
  • TBD: Deferred practical exams onsite

Class begins at 8:00 am each day.

Location: Associated General Contractors of Vermont, 1 Graves Street, Montpelier, VT

Lunch will be provided on classroom days



Event Properties

Event Date 02-10-2025 8:00 am
Event End Date 02-14-2025 4:00 pm
Cut off date 02-05-2025
Capacity 12
Individual Price $2,200.00
Location Montpelier, VT

Group Rate

#Registrants Rate/Person ($)
3 2,150.00

We are no longer accepting registration for this event

Location Map

Slide 1

“Every time my company has one of our customers take part in one of their NCCER courses it goes as smooth as it can…Not only do I feel the process is very professional but my customers feel the same.”

– Sean Kelly, President of Citefly

Slide 2

“We have had a countless number of our own employees and subcontractors attend New England Crane School’s trainings and have received only positive feedback on the instructors and course content.”

– Krista McCullough, Corporate Safety Manager, Methuen Construction


Jave was New England Crane School's longest-standing client. He worked on his boom truck certification for several years, but due to the unfortunate lack of opposable thumbs, he never passed his practical exam. He took advantage of our policy of allowing exam re-take candidates to attend future classes free of charge, however, and was often seen in the back of the classroom. He told us that it was the best thing about our operation, besides the crumbs that other students dropped on the floor from their lunches.